Dual Vocational Training - EnTTia

  • Center: EnTTia
  • Date: September 2022 - October 2022
  • Website: Link
  • Training hours: 900

EnTTia is an engineering specializing in identifying people.
They design and install access control, presence control and production control systems.
They are also experts in smart video surveillance and security systems.

Technologies used:

  • ASP.NET Core
    • C#
    • .NET Framework 6
    • Entity Framework Core
    • Blazor WebAssembly
    • MudBlazor
    • API REST
  • Database
    • SQL Server Express VersiĆ³n
  • Version Control
    • GitHub
  • Development environments and tools
    • Visual Studio
    • SQL Server Management
    • AnyDesk, for remote connection to other computers
    • Notion, to take and manage notes

NOTICE: at the moment the following document is in Catalan.