GExpenses - Web application

  • GitLab Project: Link

This project was carried out in the web application development course. The project consisted of a web application per activity creation, so that you can keep track of your expenses, who has paid, who has to be paid, in short, it makes it easier for you to keep accounts of any activity.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • MariaDB
  • Php
  • Vagrant
  • Git

Objectives of application:
The objective of this internship is the development of an expense manager called GExpenses. The aim is to be able to share the costs with the members. That is to say, all the expenses that can be arise on a trip, for example, if I make a purchase for a meal, and this purchase is paid for by a member of the group, that the costs can be shared equally by all members. With this web explanation, we look for the ease of being able to make a trip, with a group of people, and that the complication of cost sharing is made easier by this application.

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