CraftMade - Web application

  • GitHub Project: Link

This project was carried out in the web application development course. The project consisted of a MarketPlace for artisans who want to sell their products online.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SASS
  • JavaScript
  • MariaDB
  • Php
  • Laravel
  • Vagrant
  • Git

Objectives of application:
The aim of this practice is to be able to offer your product online. That is to say, an artisan will have one or several products, which he will offer on our website. The customer will be able to browse the entire website in search of the desired product. Our web application will be able to filter the products in different categories, in order to facilitate the user's search. This idea has arisen, in search of every small artisan who does not have the possibility to offer his product online.

CraftMade home page

NOTICE: at the moment the following document is in Catalan.